
Shilpi Goel

Individual Artist

Painter, Writer

Haryana, India


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Life is a hard penance.... Sometimes it's like the sun, Sometimes it's all black. Life is a flowing stream.... Some lose, some swim. Somewhere cries of sorrow, Somewhere happiness wrap.... No one has been able to get beyond the life's trap. Game of life is very weird.... Everyone had their own luck here. Born from the womb of a single mother.... Some would have been a king, Some would have been a beggar. On the scales of time, here everyone is equal.... Provide right direction to life, Give yourself a better identity. ©Shilpi Goel
By: ©Shilpi Goel
Life -Poem

Life is a hard penance.... Sometimes it's like the sun, Sometimes it's all black. Life is a flowing stream.... Some lose, some swim. Somewhere cries of sorrow, Somewhere happiness wrap.... No one has been able to get beyond the life's trap. Game of life is very weird.... Everyone had their own luck here. Born from the womb of a single mother.... Some would have been a king, Some would have been a beggar. On the scales of time, here everyone is equal.... Provide right direction to life, Give yourself a better identity. ©Shilpi Goel

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