How Spenowr Grew During Its First Full Year - 2022

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Other
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An Overview

Spenowr is a professional network and e-commerce marketplace built for the creative industry that empowers individual artists, institutes, and businesses to showcase their creative portfolio, buy/sell creative products through the marketplace, offer custom training or services, look for jobs or hire creative professionals, participate in contests, earn through royalty/rewards and much more. Spenowr’s software-as-a-service platform is accessible through its website i.e and through its mobile app available in Google Android Play Store and Apple IOS App Store.

2022 was a special year for us as it was the first full year after we launched the beta version of the platform during Q4 of 2021. We have gone through several highs and lows, learned from failures, and had a great steady growth in terms of releasing features that provide value to our users as well as onboarding creatives and creators to the platform.

This post provides a summary of the top 10 features we have released during 2022 and also a few stats about our users, their creatives, products, and services.

1. Creative Projects & Jobs for Artists 

Creators look for jobs and freelancing projects on an ongoing basis, because of which we have launched this feature where creative businesses, and institutes can hire creative professionals for their projects. Spenowr does hire creative professionals for its creative projects and offers job credits to artists using which they can apply to jobs. Standard users get 100 free job credits whereas premium users get more.

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2. Enhanced Tracking On E-commerce Orders

A customer may get as far as the final stage of the checkout and then abandon their cart. There are a number of reasons why this might happen such as realizing how much shipping is or a technical mishap. Ensuring your website has the ability to track abandoned carts can help you improve your site and figure out why you didn’t get the sale. This enables them to place the order by resuming where they left off and also be able to track the shipping of individual items.


3. Guest Checkout for Shop Flow & Multi-currency support 

A simple checkout process is critical for the best user experience. Once a person is ready to buy your products, then they may wish to proceed with payment without signing up on your platform. With this feature, users now can just simply provide their email id to checkout as a guest.

The platform was initially launched with INR as its primary currency and now is able to accept international orders with USD support.


4. Support for adding videos on Products, Services & Creative Artwork

Adding video to your product pages can increase conversions. According to Google, over 50% of shoppers said that online video helped them make a decision on which brand or product to purchase. Spenowr allows artists and businesses to add videos to their products and services.

5. Contest for Writers & Authors

Spenowr initially was popular among painters for its contests and then we received multiple requests from writers for writing contests. Writers and authors can submit their quotes, and poems in an active contest to win rewards and royalties. Writing contests are a fantastic way to improve your skills as a writer and develop your writing style. Soon we plan to launch contests for storytellers.


6.  Enabled Voting based Winner selection for the Contests

Beginning of our journey contest winner selection was always based on jury selection but because of growing demand, we introduced the voting facility for participants. Now the winner selection is a hybrid model of jury and number of votes. Spenowr encourages art enthusiasts & artists to invite friends and families to vote for their favorite.


7. Optimized Website Design

Spenowr improved a lot from where it was a year ago. It redesigned several elements of the website and also optimized its mobile app for better user experiences. We have given continuous efforts to find improvement areas, take suggestions and make things better for our end users. We will continue this effort as we grow in the future.


8.  Auto Generated Online Resumes for Artists

One such advanced facility Spenowr added is the online resume feature, where users can maintain their portfolio, skills, and achievements for prospective customers to view in real-time.


9. Report & Block Option on Posts & Users to maintain Quality

Users may post unwanted content on the platform, which we would like to restrict to maintain the quality and also keep our community safe from abuse. To report, you can click on the three dots you will see in the upper right corner on any post (artwork, quote, poem, stories, etc.), then click “Report” which will notify Spenowr content moderators to review and take necessary action. 


10. Digital Badges to Appreciate Users

As the community grows with artists, we needed a way to reward users and also be able to rank them for search queries. Digital badges motivate our creators, make them earn extra credit, and recognize effort or achievement in areas such as winning contests, verified seller, top contributor, verified profile, etc.


Out of several features we have launched this year, the above 10 were some of the major features. The platform currently has 10,000+ artists, 5,000+ artworks, 4,000+ services, and 1000+ creative products, and writings. Spenowr is also getting started on its social media presence with 10K+ followers on Facebook, and 2K+ followers on Instagram.

By looking at the current data, here are a few stats that we see so far.








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