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The Beautiful Emotion : Love

  • Category : Life

Love is a beautiful emotion, so beautiful that you don't need to be in love to feel love. Sometimes you can't put a name on it. You can't say I love that person, but it's something like love, a little like love, or a lot like love. You try to figure out what exactly it is. But then, you give up. You are scared to tell them. You are scared of being taken for granted Again. You are scared that your heart might be broken brutally Again. You are scared that you might end up ruining this thing. But what is that thing? Well, I can look at you and smile. I can talk to you. I can laugh with you. I can touch you in a handshake. I can say good morning. I can sip tea with you. And for me, that's enough. That's too much happiness for me to risk....

//Maisha Mehjabin//


//Connaught Place,

New Delhi//

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