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Payment Terms


If you are under the age of eighteen (18), you may use Spenowr Payments only with the involvement of your parent or guardian. Make sure you review these Terms with your parent or guardian so that you both understand all of your rights and responsibilities.


1. Making Purchases


1. Funding and spending. When you make a purchase using Spenowr Payments, you agree to provide a valid funding instrument to load money into your electronic value balance. When you have successfully completed this funding transaction, we will then transfer that value to the developer offering the content you wish to purchase.

2. Pricing. Pay attention to the details of the transaction, because your total price may include taxes, fees, and shipping costs, all of which you are responsible for funding.

3. Extra terms. You may be presented with additional terms related to a specific purchase before you confirm the transaction (such as shipping terms for tangible goods). Those additional terms will also govern that transaction.

4. Subscriptions. If you purchase a subscription to an app or to a feature within an app, we will bill your funding instrument immediately, and then again at the beginning of each subscription period. The following terms apply for subscriptions purchased through Spenowr Payments:

1. If a free trial period is offered and you do not cancel during the free trial period, you will be billed at the end of the free trial period and at the beginning of each subsequent subscription period.

2. You can cancel subscriptions at any time on your Account Settings page.

3. If you cancel a subscription you will still have access to the app or feature you subscribed to through the end of the subscription period. If an app or feature you subscribed to becomes unavailable during your subscription you will not be billed at the beginning of the next subscription period.

5. Actual sale. You may only use Spenowr Payments to process a funding transaction for a legitimate, bona fide purchase of a product or service. Except as set forth below, you may not use Spenowr Payments to fund a transaction or otherwise transfer electronic value not in conjunction with a purchase.

6. No Warranties. You acknowledge that the products or services you may purchase are sold by merchants, not by Spenowr. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES SOLD ON OR THROUGH SPENOWR.


2. Payment Methods


1. Funding instruments. We want to make Spenowr Payments convenient, so we allow you to fund your transactions using a number of different sources, like credit cards and debit cards and other payment methods.

2. Authority. When you provide a funding instrument to us, you confirm that you are permitted to use that funding instrument. When you fund a transaction, you authorize us (and our designated payment processor) to charge the full amount to the funding instrument you designate for the transaction. You also authorize us to collect and store that funding instrument, along with other related transaction information.

3. Authorization. If you pay by credit or debit card, we may obtain a pre-approval from the issuer of the card for an amount, which may be as high as the full price of your purchase. We will bill your card at the time you load funds for your Spenowr Payments transaction, or shortly thereafter. If you cancel a transaction before completion, this pre-approval may result in those funds not otherwise being immediately available to you.

4. Failed funding. If you fund a payment by debit card and your load transaction results in an overdraft or other fee from your bank, you alone are responsible for that fee.

5. Incompatibility. You may at some point encounter an app or feature that does not support the payment method you would prefer to use – for example, if an item or feature that you wish to purchase is priced in local currency, you won’t be able to use Credits as a payment method; however, you can select a different type of payment instrument (such as credit or debit card, or mobile operator billing).

6. Mobile billing. Mobile operator billing is another payment method we have made available for your convenience. If you use mobile billing as a funding instrument, you consent to the following applicable risks and other terms:

1. By choosing the mobile billing payment method, you agree that we and your mobile operator may exchange information about you in order to facilitate completion or reversal of payments, resolution of disputes, provision of customer support, or other billing-related activity.

2. You are responsible for any charges, fees, changes to your mobile plan service or billing, alterations to your mobile device, or any other consequence that may arise out of your use of mobile billing.

3. If you use mobile billing, you are bound not only by these Terms, but also by the terms and conditions of your mobile operator.

4. If you have questions about any charges or fees that appear on your mobile phone bill, you may contact your mobile provider’s customer service division.

5. Sometimes, use of mobile billing in a funding transaction may lead to charges that, for various technical reasons beyond our control, cannot be refunded to you. In these cases, we have the right, but not the obligation, to issue you a courtesy credit to your electronic value Balance.

7. Boleto (Pre-paid). If you use boleto as a payment method, you consent to the following applicable risks and other terms:

1. Refunds. Due to technical limitations, we are able to provide refunds ONLY by making cash deposit into a bank account. If you make a purchase with boleto and later request a refund for any reason, you MUST have a bank account in order to receive the refund. Additionally, the name on the bank account receiving the refund deposit MUST match the name on the boleto used to make the payment.

2. Safety. We may delay or limit the availability of your purchase, for either safety reasons, or to make sure we possess all relevant information necessary to process the payment and deliver to you what you have paid for.

3. Information. You agree and consent that we will store your tax id (CNPJ/CPF). We may use your tax id to obtain additional information about you, necessary to process the payment, from the federal tax id registration database provided by the Brazilian government, via a third-party processor. We will also submit final tax documents to the Brazilian government as required.


3. Actions We May Take


1. At-will use. We may revoke your eligibility to use Spenowr Payments at any time at our sole discretion.

2. Inquiries. By using Spenowr Payments, you acknowledge and agree that we may make any inquiries that we consider necessary, either directly or through third parties, concerning your identity and creditworthiness.

3. Our right to cancel. We may cancel any transaction if we believe the transaction violates these Terms or the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, or if we believe doing so may prevent financial loss. We may also cancel any electronic value accumulated, transferred, assigned, or sold as a result of fraudulent or illegal behavior.

4. Payment limitations. In order to prevent financial loss to you or to us, we may place a delay on a payment for a period of time, or limit funding instruments for a transaction, or limit your ability to make a purchase, or deactivate your account.

5. Sharing of information. In order to prevent financial loss to you or to us, we may contact your funding instrument issuer, law enforcement, or affected third parties (including other users) and share details of any payments you are associated with, if we believe doing so may prevent financial loss or a violation of law.

6. Abandoned Property. If you leave a Balance unused for the period of time set forth by your state, country, or other governing body in its unclaimed property laws, or if you delete your account and leave a Balance, or if we deactivate your account and you do not meet any conditions necessary to reinstate it within six (6) months, we may process your balance in accordance with our legal obligations, including by submitting funds associated with your Balance to the appropriate governing body as required by law.


4. Disputes and Reversals


1. Customer assistance: We provide various tools in our Spenowr Payments Support Center to assist you in communicating with a third party to resolve a dispute arising from a payment transaction.

2. No liability for spend transaction. If you enter into a transaction with a third party and have a dispute over the goods or services you purchased, we have no liability for the goods or services underlying the transaction. Our only responsibility is to handle your funding transaction. All funding transactions are final unless otherwise required by law. If you order something that becomes unavailable before it can be provided to you, you may request a refund of your funded amount.

3. Duty to notify us. If you believe that an unauthorized or otherwise problematic transaction has taken place under your account, you agree to notify us immediately, so that we may take action to prevent financial loss. Unless you submit the claim to us within 30 days after the charge, you will have waived, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all claims against us arising out of or otherwise related to the transaction.

4. Intervention. We may intervene in disputes concerning payments that may arise between you and a developer, but we have no obligation to do so.

5. Technical difficulties. If you experience a technical failure or interruption of service that causes your funding transaction to fail, you may request that your transaction be completed at a later time.


5. Special Provisions Applicable to Advertisers


1. Agreement to pay. When you purchase advertising or promoted posts on or through Spenowr, you agree to pay all amounts specified in the order, along with any applicable taxes.

2. Consent to credit check. Your order constitutes your written authorization for us to obtain your personal and/or business credit report from a credit bureau. We may obtain your credit report when you place an order, or at any time thereafter.

3. Security. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your advertising account, and you understand that you will be charged for any orders placed on or through your advertising account.

4. Direct debit. If you are making direct debit payments, you agree that we can charge you any amount that falls within the range you agreed to upon signup. We will notify you in advance if any charge will exceed the agreed-upon range. If you want to change your preferred payment method from direct debit, you can do so from within your Spenowr Payment Settings.

5. Cancellation. You can cancel an advertising order at any time through our online portal, but your ads may run for several days after you notify us, and you are still responsible for paying for those ads.

6. Tax liability. The amounts charged to you by us, whether through your credit card or otherwise, may be subject to and include applicable taxes, including without limitation withholding taxes. It is your responsibility to remit any taxes that apply to your transactions. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any claim arising out of your failure to do so.

7. Delinquent accounts. If you purchase advertising, and your payment method fails or your account is past due, we may take steps to collect past due amounts using other collection mechanisms. You agree to pay all expenses associated with such collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Interest will accrue on any past due amounts at the rate of the lesser of 1% per month or the lawful maximum.

8. Prepaid account. You may have the option to purchase ads with a prepaid account. Amounts prepaid are non-refundable except where required by law. Spenowr is not a bank and does not offer banking services; accordingly, prepaid amounts do not earn interest, are not deposit obligations, and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or any other entity or insurance scheme, whether governmental or private.

9. Invoiced and non-invoiced clients. When you purchase advertising or paid content on or through Spenowr's self-serve advertising interfaces or APIs, you will fall under one of two categories depending on your payment method: invoiced or non-invoiced client. Invoiced clients are those to whom Spenowr extends a credit line and issues invoices on a periodic basis for payment. Non-invoiced clients are those who make payments at the time of purchase itself. Clients are eligible to become invoiced clients based on factors such as ad spend and creditworthiness. Spenowr retains the final right to classify a client as an invoiced client.


6. Notices and Amendments to These Terms


1. Notice to you. By using the Spenowr Payments service, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically any important information regarding your purchases or your account. We may also provide notices to you by posting them on our website, or by sending them to an email address or street address that you previously provided to us. Website and email notices shall be considered received by you within 24 hours of the time posted or sent; notices by postal mail shall be considered received within three (3) business days of the time sent.

2. Amendment guidelines. We may update these Payments Terms at any time without notice as we deem necessary to the full extent permitted by law. The Payments Terms in place at the time you confirm a transaction will govern that transaction.


7. Additional Terms


1. Conflict of terms. All of the commitments you make in the Spenowr Statement of Rights and Responsibilities apply to your use of Spenowr Payments. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Spenowr Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the Community Payments Terms shall prevail.

2. Conflict of laws. Some countries may restrict or prohibit your ability to make payments through Spenowr. Nothing in these Terms should be read to override or circumvent any such foreign laws.

3. Courtesy translations. These Terms were written in English (US). To the extent any translated version of these terms conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.