
Roshan Raj

Individual Artist

Singer, Sports Player


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Soulful Life

If life's a short ride let's go on full speed, let's hit the highway soon and ride to the moon If life's a sea tide let's plunge deep inside, let's breathe underwater and fill the ocean with laughter If life's a painting on an easel let's fill in it colours beautiful, let's give it time to create details and award it to our innermost selves If life's a big garden let's plant flowers a million, let's watch their lively bloom and live there in tiny a room
By: ©Roshan Raj
Soulful Life -Poem

If life's a short ride let's go on full speed, let's hit the highway soon and ride to the moon If life's a sea tide let's plunge deep inside, let's breathe underwater and fill the ocean with laughter If life's a painting on an easel let's fill in it colours beautiful, let's give it time to create details and award it to our innermost selves If life's a big garden let's plant flowers a million, let's watch their lively bloom and live there in tiny a room

  • 2022-08-26 05:19:43
  • 2022-08-26 06:20:47
    Good one
  • 2022-08-26 05:23:50
    Grt one
  • 2022-08-26 05:31:49

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