
Nandita Ravi

Individual Artist

Painter, Writer, Crafter

Karnataka, India


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Lives Of Valiants -Poem

Head held high in sense of pride Never let anyone or anything stride across them There they come with their endeavors Against those who claim wars Stand affirm from breachers Never let anyone reach us Leaving everything and everyone beside They do not leave their borders aside There they go to protect those who they never know Where are they now? Deep down in the sea or in those shivering cold mountains or even in those dark forests Work for us without rests Yearning for those family memories, get togethers they missed Yet never leave their duties in the midst They all might not be getting their recognition But they never let go of their mission All they want is to protect their mother land So that she never falls into others hands They live to protect, guard and even in their last breath never let go They fight through their lives So that we could lead our peaceful lives Here they come with their head held high in sense of pride even when they lose their lives All they wanted was to shield away possible threats And here now they rest I dedicate this to all those valiants who protect this country, you are the true heroes of our lives.... By Nandita Ravi

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