
Nandita Ravi

Individual Artist

Painter, Writer, Crafter

Karnataka, India


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Stepping Stones Of Success -Poem

Stepping stones of Success Freedom, a seven letter word which has different impact on everyone. What could be one's definition or thought process of freedom may not be reciprocated by others. But this doesn't change the fact that the process through which one achieves their definition of freedom is always through a series of struggle, a path containing both failures and success. Failure shouldn't stop one from getting what they truly deserve. If our freedom fighters stopped due to a single failure we wouldn't be celebrating our Independence Day. It's rightly said that failure should be a stepping stone to success. The true taste of success is only achieved when one knows the real pain of failures. Let's honour the failures which led us to our success in our fight for freedom. By Nandita Ravi

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