Chapter- 8 The Wish Rock

Article : Chapter- 8 The Wish Rock

The last chapter of the Magical book was “The Wish”. I didn’t know what that meant. I set off for my workplace like every day. I stopped by Mia’s house.I climbed up the fence to check if Claud...

Chapter-7 Zade, The Stegosaurus

Article : Chapter-7 Zade, The Stegosaurus

Stegosaurus had two rows of bony plates shaped like giant arrowheads sticking out of their back, which arose from the skin rather than being attached to the skeleton.It was large and heavily built. It...

Chapter-6 Mia’s Best Birthday: Mosasaurus

Article : Chapter-6 Mia’s Best Birthday: Mosasaurus

It had over 50 cone-shaped teeth in its 6 ft jaws.Mosasaurus was carnivorous and hunted fish, squid, and other marine reptiles.It was a marine reptile that lived in the era of the dinosaurs.Mosasaurus...

Chapter-5 Grandpa Henry’s Raptors: Velociraptor

Article : Chapter-5 Grandpa Henry’s Raptors: Velociraptor

It was 2 feet tall and 6 feet long.It had features like other birds.It looked like a turkey.Velociraptors mainly preyed on small mammals and reptiles.They had big curvy claws on their back legs which ...

Chapter-4 Our Aircraft: Quetzalcoatlus

Article : Chapter-4 Our Aircraft: Quetzalcoatlus

It had a long giraffe-like neck.Quetzalcoatlus had compact, padded feet, well suited to fast movement over firm ground.Its long, sharp beak had no teeth, so it could not chew its prey.A bony crest on ...

Chapter-3 My Gigantic Friend, Tino: Argentinosaurus

Article : Chapter-3 My Gigantic Friend, Tino: Argentinosaurus

The length of an Argentinosaurus is almost the same size as the width of an American football field.It was an enormous, long-necked, long-tailed, quadrupedal, plant-eater.It has solid bones in its fee...

Chapter-2  Take Me Home: Triceratops

Article : Chapter-2 Take Me Home: Triceratops

It has three horns on its head, one over each eye, and one on its snout.Triceratops had an elaborate head frill. The frill served as a shield for the neck and head.The Triceratops had a bird-like beak...

The Magical Book: Collection of Dinosaur Stories

Article : The Magical Book: Collection Of Dinosaur Stories

Grandpa Henry always keeps his big book under his pillow. He calls it the magical book.  I have always been very curious about the book. Grandpa Henry said that he was a paleontologist many years...



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