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Great Sculptor Who Changed The History Of Art

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Craft
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An Overview



Chinese artist Luo Li Rong creates life-size bronze sculpture art of women inspired by Renaissance and Baroque sculpting techniques. Her statues are usually captured in motion, often with their dresses or garments seemingly fluttering within the breeze around them. Rong has been creating modern sculptures for much of her life, having studied at Beijing’s Academy of Fine Arts under the guidance of a famous sculptor Wang Du. Later she turned her attention to sculpting techniques employed by European artists within the Renaissance and Baroque periods, something that seems to define much of her contemporary, realistic artworks. Scroll down for a few of her best sculptures, combining the simplest of Renaissance and modern art techniques.



Luo Li Rong born in 1980 in Hunan (China), is an artist-sculptress who graduated in 2005 with high honors from the prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing.

Her graduating project received numerous awards. later she “immersed herself” in figurative sculpture techniques used by European artists in the Renaissance and Baroque periods.


Renaissance sculpting techniques :

Renaissance art is the painting, sculpture, and decorative arts of the period of European history known as the Renaissance, which emerged as a distinct style in Italy in about AD 1400, in parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music, science, and technology.


Baroque sculpting techniques :

The baroque sculpture is that the sculpture related to the Baroque sort of the amount between the first 17th and mid 18th centuries. In Baroque sculpture, groups of figures assumed new importance, and there were a dynamic movement and energy of human forms—they spiraled around an empty central vortex, or reached outwards into the encompassing space. Baroque sculpture often had multiple ideal viewing angles and reflected a general continuation of the Renaissance move faraway from the relief to sculpture created within the round, and designed to be placed within the middle of an outsized space.

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