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Manish Devaliya (From Ashoknagar) Received The National Pride Award For Creating A New Education System.

  • Category : Education

Manish Devaliya (From AshokNagar) Received The National Pride Award For Creating A New Education System.

azon №1

Amazon Best Seller author Manish Devaliya was recently honored with the National Pride Award by the Socially Point Foundation. The education that one gets inside a school or college is called formal education and the education that one gets outside the school is informal education, which comes from parents, family, society, friends, relatives, etc. This education has a very important part in our life, Manish has organized this education in his book The Power of informal education. Along with this book, the author, living in a small town like Shadora (Ashoknagar), created an education system with the use of fewer resources, which has been named complete education, complete development, the author wants to take this education system to the schools so that the upcoming generation gets strength in every aspect of life and build a good society. Seeing the author’s new thinking and dedication toward education, the Socially Point Foundation honored him with the National Pride Award.


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