Grizzlys: Episode-11 (Tooth Fairy)

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Entertainment
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Lilly and Eden are brushing their teeth. Looking at the mirror, Lilly yelps happily “Yippie.., I lost my first baby tooth.” “It seems like I missed the tooth. Let me look for it or else I won't get the shiny coin”, told worried Lilly.

Lilly’s milk tooth has fallen out and it has dropped down somewhere. And she worried that the Tooth fairy wouldn’t pay back a shiny coin in return if she didn't find her tooth.

“What are you both looking for?”, asked Mr. Grizzly.

"Daddeeeee…… “, Lilly opened her mouth wide.

“I accidentally lost my baby tooth somewhere here, I am looking for it", told Lilly.

“Haw haw haw”, laughed Mr. Grizzly.

“Stop laughing Daddy, it’s not funny and please look for it”, said Lilly.

Lilly, Eden, and Mr. Grizzly started to look everywhere on the surface.

“What are you all doing?” asked Mrs. Grizzly.

“We are looking for my baby tooth that has just fallen out and missed”, said Lilly in a timid voice.

“Can you all come out from there and let me look for it?” asked Mrs. Grizzly.

No sooner did Mr. Grizzly lift his butt, Mrs. Grizzly said “It’s here, Daddy was sitting on it“.

“Silly Daddy“, cried Eden.

Everybody laughed. Lilly placed the tooth under her pillow and muttered "I would get my 1st shiny coin from Tooth Fairy".

Lilly and Eden fast fall asleep. The next day morning Lilly seeks a coin under her pillow. And she gets her first shiny coin.

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