Grizzlys: Episode-3 (Lilly Learns Rainbow Colors (Vibgyor))

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Entertainment
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It has been raining outside, and Lilly and Eden are happy to enjoy family time at home, at the same time they are worried about their friend Busy-Bee.

[Rain stopped]

Lilly and Eden are sitting near the window and watching the bee hive. Daddy Grizzly and Mommy Grizzly join them too.

“Daddy! Busy-Bee must be in trouble”, said Lilly

“No dear! That’s her home and she is perfectly fine and enjoying as you are doing”, said Daddy Grizzly.

Lilly and Eden looked at each other and smiled.

“Look! Eden, somebody has spread beautiful colors in the sky”, cried Lilly.

Eden huffs.

“Indeed! But it's called a rainbow. And it comes in the clear sky just after the rain with sunlight reflection”, explained Daddy Grizzly.

“Lilly and Eden, do you know how many colors are there in the rainbow?”, asked Mommy Grizzly.

“Five“, screamed out Lilly.

“No”, said Mommy Grizzly and smiled.

“Four!”, whispered Eden.

[laughed both Mommy and Daddy Grizzly]

“There are seven colors in a rainbow“, said Mommy Grizzly.

“They are V for Violet, I for Indigo, B for Blue, G for Green, Y for Yellow, O for Orange, and R for Red. VIBGYOR”, said Mommy Grizzly.

Lilly and Eden learn the rainbow colors, which is VIBGYOR.

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