Grizzlys: Episode-4 (Living Non-living)

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Entertainment
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It’s a bright sunny day and Mr. Grizzly is watering the plants.

“Daddy! Why do you have to water the plants every day?”, asked Lilly.

“Ha ha ha” laughed Mr. Grizzly and asked, “Lilly! Can you live without food and water?”.

“My stomach cries out loud if I don't eat. But plants do not have a mouth like me nor does it move”, told Lilly.

“Maybe it doesn’t run as you do but it does move. Look at the mango tree you like to climb up, it’s so big now. It has grown from just a small plant to a tree” said Mr. Grizzly.

“Plants grow, breathe, and feel just like us. Whatever you see around you is either living or non-living. Living things grow, eat, move, and make babies of their kind. They also pee and poop as you do.”, said Mr. Grizzly.

[Lilly and Eden giggle]

“This chair, Mommy’s hat, my doll, and Eden’s monkey toy are non-livings while Busy-bee, our mango tree, Eden, Mommy, You and I are living things”, said Lilly.

“You are right dear”, said Mr. Grizzly.

“Waaa……. waa…..”, cried Eden loudly.

“Eden! Your monkey toy gibbers and it also wet the bed at night. It also wets your pant too, I am sure, it’s not you but the monkey toy who does it. So it’s real”, consoled Lilly to her baby brother.

[Daddy Grizzly, Mommy Grizzly, Eden, and Lilly burst into laughter]

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