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Follow Your Dreams: A Pg Student's Story Of Career In Painting - Pritam Mukherjee

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Biography
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Pritam Mukherjee is an Indian painter, currently pursuing PG who excels in the use of color configurations and the art of transforming geometric and curvilinear forms. Pritam Mukherjee grew up in Durgapur, West Bengal well known for its extraordinary light. He explores the unlimited potentiality of chromatic and tonal scales, visual planes, and volume within a two-dimensional framework. Viewing his dynamic works of art is an exciting kinetic experience similar to viewing patterns through a kaleidoscope.



From an early age, he demonstrated an innate artistic talent and continued to bring his creative passion to fruition. But due to study pressures and some other circumstances, finally, he gave up sketching for almost more than 8 years. He started as a Pastel, Water Color, Charcoal, Oil painting, etc. Today he works with Pencil Sketch, Mandala, Zentangle.





As a Color Field painter Pritam pursues color relationships with fervor. His palette is innovative and complex. He mixes more than 25 different oil paints to create every color in his painting.

Due to the large scale of her paintings, his pictorial scheme appears to extend beyond our peripheral vision. He is an optical illusionist whose art defies special limitations. 

He believes that "Drawing is one of the best ways to express anyone’s view i.e created in their mind canvas”.

His theme for the artwork is 'Maa Saraswati'. It took approximately two days to complete fully, using pencils.



The artist brings an extensive mastery of color theory, an innate sense of rhythm, and compositional elements to each painting. His art is visual poetry bursting forth with relentless energetic expression.

As a child, Pritam received prizes for her innate talent in his school time.



"It is important to express oneself… provided the feelings are real and are taken from your own experience… My ambition is limited to capturing something transient, and yet, this ambition is excessive," he said.



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