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From The Dream Of Becoming An Engineer To Following The Passion Of Art - Sadaf Ikram

  • Author : Spenowr
  • Category : Biography
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Her journey

Born and raised in the beautiful city of Lucknow, Sadaf Ikram is a contemporary realist painter and crafter, is currently pursuing Engineering. Chasing the dream of becoming an Engineer lead her to find happiness through drawing, painting, and craft.

Her distinctive personal style emanates joy and peace and expresses the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of Indian culture. Her colorful paintings pay homage to her homeland.



Exploring the world of art and craft, Sadaf is perfecting her artwork using watercolors, acrylic colors, glass paints, clay artwork, sculpture painting, acrylic pouring, etc. Though Sadaf’s liking for art has been developing since childhood, she has officiated her talent during Lockdown 2020, displaying her beautiful creations through Instagram page @the_infuse_hues.

Inspite of facing difficulty to get the right audience who can acknowledge and appreciate her artwork, she dreams to pursue her career in the art field with a beautiful audience and showcasing her artwork to the world. 

Her theme for the artwork is 'Finding sunshine in nature,  inspired by the beauty of nature. It took approximately 10 hours to complete, using fevicryl shilpkaar clay and acrylic colors and white gesso base by itsy bitsy craft store. It's valued at Rs 750 (excluding shipping).



During Lockdown, she tries to experiment with different techniques of painting with her own style. Her theme of the artwork is based on 'Finding sunshine in nature'. “It takes at least 10 hours for me to complete”, as the artist said.  She was inspired by, “the beauty of nature”. 

In reality, Sadaf did learn and adopted the Indan techniques but each of his paintings was a pure depiction of Indian soul and heritage. The work of Sadaf was heavily impacted by realism and mainly revolved around the people living in her community. She was obsessed with the wall artworks of India and was a fan of the vivacious oil painting techniques. 

As a child, Sadaf Ikram received prizes for her innate talent in her school time. From a young age, she has believed, “You can create anything once you see it in your mind.





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